Site word list:


This is complete word's list with its count on site You may use it for SEO purposes.

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the - 155
function - 68
hook - 47
file - 41
tag - 39
plugin - 36
param - 34
return - 34
string - 27
for - 26
array - 23
action - 22
and - 21
this - 19
php - 18
false - 17
since - 16
name - 16
args - 15
when - 15
priority - 15
global - 14
wp_filter - 14
all - 14
that - 14
will - 12
functions - 11
used - 11
usr - 11
home - 11
path - 10
wp_actions - 9
isset - 9
not - 9
from - 9
should - 9
uninstall - 9
with - 8
optional - 8
callback - 8
default - 8
version - 8
message - 8
wp_plugin_paths - 8
wp_normalize_path - 8
wp_current_filter - 7
hooked - 7
arguments - 7
passed - 7
which - 7
deprecated - 7
static - 7
called - 7
class - 7
secretum - 7
domains - 7
madu - 7
com - 7
public_html - 7
do_action - 6
int - 6
callable - 6
bool - 6
value - 6
filter - 6
apply_filters - 6
call - 6
replacement - 6
null - 6
plugins - 6
filename - 6
sample - 6
was - 5
see - 5
using - 5
filters - 5
function_to_check - 5
attached - 5
method - 5
hooks - 5
then - 5
have - 5
plugin_basename - 5
wp_plugin_path - 5
plugin_path - 5
unique - 5
filter_id_count - 5
number - 4
times - 4
one - 4
else - 4
check - 4
any - 4
has_filter - 4
remove - 4
fires - 4
replaced - 4
_deprecated_hook - 4
wpmu_plugin_path - 4
directory - 4
__file__ - 4
set - 4
including - 4
located - 4
content - 4
only - 4
uninstallation - 4
run - 4
process - 4
objects - 4
new - 4
object - 4
wp_filter_id - 4
obj_idx - 4
secre - 4
array_pop - 3
specific - 3
are - 3
stores - 3
do_action_ref_array - 3
actions - 3
has - 3
been - 3
registered - 3
has_action - 3
whether - 3
can - 3
removed - 3
function_to_remove - 3
true - 3
apply_filters_deprecated - 3
original - 3
example - 3
wordpress - 3
change - 3
contains - 3
dir - 3
realdir - 3
get - 3
staticvar - 3
dirname - 3
plugin_realpath - 3
link - 3
code - 3
outside - 3
is_object - 3
uninstallable_plugins - 3
were - 3
load - 3
require_once - 3
fired - 2
increments - 2
amount - 2
triggered - 2
but - 2
supplied - 2
current - 2
all_args - 2
_wp_call_all_hook - 2
boolean - 2
checking - 2
returned - 2
removes - 2
specified - 2
them - 2
triggers - 2
deprecation - 2
notice - 2
must - 2
old - 2
wpdocs_filter - 2
extra_arg - 2
additional - 2
regarding - 2
do_action_deprecated - 2
paths - 2
plugin_dir - 2
wp_plugin_dir - 2
mu_plugin_dir - 2
wpmu_plugin_dir - 2
preg_quote - 2
constant - 2
filesystem - 2
trailing - 2
slash - 2
trailingslashit - 2
url - 2
pluginname - 2
subdirectory - 2
sampleplugin - 2
become - 2
consists - 2
add_action - 2
unless - 2
into - 2
during - 2
exists - 2
way - 2
uninstall_plugins - 2
parameters - 2
does - 2
access - 2
private - 2
storage - 2
creating - 2
property - 2
same - 2
classes - 2
counting - 2
how - 2
many - 2
applied - 2
reference - 2
already - 2
is_string - 2
calling - 2
spl_object_hash - 2
error - 2
includes - 2
332 - 2
retrieve - 1
did_action - 1
execute - 1
specifying - 1
identical - 1
list - 1
last - 1
executed - 1
first - 1
func_get_args - 1
alias - 1
omitted - 1
returns - 1
anything - 1
argument - 1
may - 1
non - 1
evaluates - 1
use - 1
operator - 1
testing - 1
possibly - 1
replace - 1
substitute - 1
remove_action - 1
remove_filter - 1
finished - 1
remove_all_actions - 1
remove_all_filters - 1
note - 1
extra - 1
here - 1
wpdocs_new_filter - 1
apply_filters_ref_array - 1
handling - 1
gets - 1
basename - 1
extracts - 1
its - 1
normalized - 1
arsort - 1
foreach - 1
strpos - 1
substr - 1
strlen - 1
preg_replace - 1
relative - 1
trim - 1
register - 1
real - 1
resolve - 1
symlinked - 1
known - 1
able - 1
wp_register_plugin_realpath - 1
normalize - 1
store - 1
avoid - 1
recalculation - 1
realpath - 1
plugin_dir_path - 1
plugin_dir_url - 1
plugins_url - 1
activation - 1
activated - 1
activate_pluginname - 1
activate_sampleplugin - 1
activate_sample - 1
activate_plugin - 1
register_activation_hook - 1
activate_ - 1
deactivation - 1
deactivated - 1
deactivate_pluginname - 1
deactivate_sampleplugin - 1
deactivate_sample - 1
deactivate_plugin - 1
register_deactivation_hook - 1
deactivate_ - 1
registers - 1
user - 1
clicks - 1
calls - 1
itself - 1
won - 1
active - 1
arbitrary - 1
registering - 1
order - 1
included - 1
means - 1
laying - 1
hinder - 1
written - 1
without - 1
running - 1
within - 1
create - 1
named - 1
base - 1
folder - 1
bypassing - 1
always - 1
wp_uninstall_plugin - 1
before - 1
executing - 1
register_uninstall_hook - 1
is_array - 1
_doing_it_wrong - 1
__function__ - 1
option - 1
autoloaded - 1
because - 1
needed - 1
most - 1
cases - 1
emphasis - 1
put - 1
uninstalling - 1
get_option - 1
update_option - 1
passes - 1
internally - 1
meant - 1
those - 1
existence - 1
fail - 1
prior - 1
collected - 1
do_all_hook - 1
build - 1
retrieval - 1
serialize - 1
caused - 1
issues - 1
solution - 1
works - 1
keep - 1
track - 1
need - 1
added - 1
also - 1
allows - 1
removal - 1
after - 1
they - 1
properties - 1
possible - 1
include - 1
your - 1
bypass - 1
workaround - 1
however - 1
prevent - 1
you - 1
adding - 1
overwrite - 1
previous - 1
callbacks - 1
just - 1
strings - 1
shouldn - 1
speed - 1
penalty - 1
https - 1
core - 1
trac - 1
org - 1
ticket - 1
3875 - 1
otherwise - 1
usage - 1
key - 1
_wp_filter_build_unique_id - 1
closures - 1
currently - 1
implemented - 1
function_exists - 1
get_class - 1
count - 1
elseif - 1
fatal - 1
uncaught - 1
undefined - 1
stack - 1
trace - 1
settings - 1
wp_debug_mode - 1
config - 1
blog - 1
header - 1
index - 1
require - 1
main - 1
thrown - 1
line - 1

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