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Brief facts about lean:

Lean (drug) A polysubstance drink used as a recreational drug.

Lean manufacturing A production method aimed primarily at reducing times within the production system as well as...

Yung Lean A Swedish rapper, singer and songwriter.

Lean thinking A management framework made up of a philosophy, practices and principles which aim to help...

Lean construction A combination of operational research and practical development in design and construction with...

Lean government Lean government refers to the application of Lean Manufacturing principles and methods to both...

Lean higher education Lean Higher Education refers to the adaptation of lean thinking to higher education, typically...

Lean integration A management system that emphasizes creating value for customers, continuous improvement, and...

Lean IT The extension of lean manufacturing and lean services principles to the development and...

Lean laboratory A lean laboratory is one which is focused on processes, procedures, and infrastructure that...

Lean product development A lean approach to counter the challenges of product development, notably: • Lack of innovative...

Lean project management The application of lean concepts such as lean construction, lean manufacturing and lean thinking...

Lean services The application of lean manufacturing production methods in the service industry.

Lean software development A translation of lean manufacturing principles and practices to the software development domain.

Lean startup A methodology for developing businesses and products that aims to shorten product development...

Lean (proof assistant) A proof assistant and programming language.

Lean (drug) A polysubstance drink used as a recreational drug.

Le'an County A county of central Jiangxi province, People's Republic of China.

Lean meat Animal tissue, often muscle, that is eaten as food.

Big Lean A Canadian rapper from Toronto, Ontario.

David Lean An English film director, producer, screenwriter and editor.

Hooi Hooi Lean A Malaysian economist and a professor at the School of Social Sciences in the Economics program...

Jonathan Lean David Jonathan Rees Lean retired as Dean of St David's in the autumn of 2017.

Yung Lean A Swedish rapper, singer and songwriter.

LARGe SCM LARG Supply Chain Management attempts to put together lean, agile, resilient, and green...

Lien See related meanings for the word 'Lien'.

Leen See related meanings for the word 'Leen'.

Leane See related meanings for the word 'Leane'.


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