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Brief facts about pipe:

Pipette A type of laboratory tool commonly used in chemistry and biology to transport a measured volume...

Tobacco pipe A device specifically made to smoke tobacco.

Pipeline (Unix) A mechanism for inter-process communication using message passing.

Pipe (fluid conveyance) A tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used...

Piping A system of pipes used to convey fluids from one location to another.

Smoking pipe A tobacco pipe. Pipes are commonly made from briar, heather, corn, meerschaum, clay, cherry...

Half-pipe A structure used in gravity extreme sports such as snowboarding, skateboarding, skiing, freestyle...

Piping (sewing) A type of trim or embellishment consisting of a strip of folded fabric so as to form a "pipe"...

Pipe (instrument) A tubular wind instrument in general, or various specific wind instruments.

Bagpipe A woodwind instrument using enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a...

Pipes and drums A musical ensemble consisting of pipers and drummers.

Organ pipe A sound-producing element of the pipe organ that resonates at a specific pitch when pressurized...

Piped music Or elevator music, a type of background music.

Pipeline (Unix) A mechanism for inter-process communication using message passing.

Anonymous pipe A simplex FIFO communication channel that may be used for one-way interprocess communication.

Yahoo! Pipes Yahoo! Pipes was a web application from Yahoo!

PIPE Networks An Australian telecommunications company, based in Brisbane, Queensland.

Pipe (casting) A type of metal-casting defect.

Boatswain's pipe A pipe or a non-diaphragm type whistle used on naval ships by a boatswain.

PIPES A frequently used buffering agent in biochemistry.

Pipe (car) A Belgian automobile manufacturer founded by the brothers Alfred and Victor Goldschmidt.

Pipe, Wisconsin An unincorporated community in the Town of Calumet in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, United States.

Jules Pipe A British politician who currently serves as the Deputy Mayor of London for Planning...

Pipe (letter) A family of click consonants found, as constituents of words, only in Africa and in the Damin...

Pipe (unit) A US unit of capacity for wine.

Volcanic pipe Volcanic pipes or volcanic conduits are subterranean geological structures formed by the violent...

PIPE deal A private investment in public equity, often called a PIPE deal, involves the selling of publicly...

The Pipes A 1966 Czechoslovak film directed by Vojtěch Jasný.

Monotropa uniflora An herbaceous perennial flowering plant native to temperate regions of Asia, North America...

Pipette A type of laboratory tool commonly used in chemistry and biology to transport a measured volume...

Piping bag An often cone- or triangular-shaped bag made from cloth, paper, plastic, or the intestinal lining...

Postpipe The remains of an upright timber placed in a posthole.

Pipes (surname) See related meanings for the phrase 'Pipes (surname)'.

Pipeline See related meanings for the word 'Pipeline'.

Piper See related meanings for the word 'Piper'.


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