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Brief facts about bushwhacker:

Bushwhacking was a form of guerrilla warfare common during the American Revolutionary War, War of 1812, American Civil War and other conflicts in which there were large areas of contested land and few governmental resources to control these tracts. This was particularly prevalent in rural areas during the Civil War where there were sharp divisions between those favoring the Union and Confederacy in the conflict. The perpetrators of the attacks were called bushwhackers. The term "bushwhacking" is still in use today to describe ambushes done with the aim of attrition. Bushwhackers were generally part of the irregular military forces on both sides. While bushwhackers conducted well-organized raids against the military, the most dire of the attacks involved ambushes of individuals and house raids in rural areas. In the countryside, the actions were particularly inflammatory since they frequently amounted to fighting between neighbors, often to settle personal accounts.

Archie Clement - Archie Clement, also known as "Little Arch" or "Little Archie", was an American pro-Confederate guerrilla leader during the American Civil War, known for his brutality towards Union soldiers and pro-Union civilians in the state of Missouri.

Asymmetric warfare - Asymmetric warfare is a type of war between belligerents whose relative military power, strategy, or tactics differ significantly.

Bald Knobber - The Bald Knobbers were a group of vigilantes in the Ozark region of southwest Missouri from 1885 to 1889.

Border Ruffian - During the events leading to the American Civil War, border ruffians was the derogatory name for proslavery raiders from the slave state of Missouri, who crossed into Kansas Territory to induce violence that peaked from 1854 to 1858 to force the acceptance of slavery.

Thomas Bell Poole - Thomas Bell Poole was a lawman in Monterey County, who joined the Knights of the Golden Circle and served as a crewman of the Confederate privateer J. M. Chapman.

Hajduk - A hajduk is a type of irregular infantry found in Central, Eastern, and parts of Southeast Europe from the late 16th to mid 19th centuries. They have reputations ranging from bandits to freedom fighters depending on time, place, and their enemies.

Kansas in the American Civil War

Confederate States Army


Missouri in the American Civil War

Bleeding Kansas


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