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Brief facts about oki:

Okay An English word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, acknowledgment, or a sign of...

Orkney An archipelago in the Northern Isles of Scotland, situated off the north coast of the island of...

Okie A person identified with the state of Oklahoma.

Oki District, Shimane A district located in Shimane Prefecture, Japan.

Oki Islands An archipelago in the Sea of Japan, the islands of which are administratively part of Oki...

Oki Province A province of Japan consisted of the Oki Islands in the Sea of Japan, located off the coast of...

Ōki, Fukuoka A town located in Mizuma District, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.

Oki Airport An airport on Dōgo, one of the Oki Islands in the Shimane Prefecture of Japan.

Oki Jubilee Stadium A multipurpose stadium in Carlton, Sydney, Australia.

Oki (musician) An Ainu Japanese musician, from Kanagawa Prefecture.

Oki (rapper) A Polish rapper, singer and songwriter.

OKI (company) Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd., commonly referred to as OKI, OKI Electric or the OKI Group, is a...

Super Oki A limited express train service in Japan operated by the West Japan Railway Company since July 2001.

Open Knowledge Initiative An organization responsible for the specification of software interfaces comprising a Service...

Open Knowledge International A global, non-profit network that promotes and shares information at no charge, including both...

Daisen-Oki National Park A national park in the Chūgoku region, Honshū, Japan, and spans the prefectures of Okayama...

Okay An English word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, acknowledgment, or a sign of...

Okhi Day Ohi Day or Oxi Day is celebrated throughout Greece, Cyprus and the Greek communities around the...

Okie A person identified with the state of Oklahoma.

Oki (surname) Two separate Japanese surnames.


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