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Brief facts about dt:

Dream Theater An American progressive metal band formed in 1985 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Decision tree A decision support hierarchical model that uses a tree-like model of decisions and their possible...

Dark triad A psychological theory of personality, first published by Delroy L. Paulhus and Kevin M. Williams...

Dt. (band) Dt. is a Japanese dance/rock band.

Dark Tranquillity A Swedish melodic death metal band from Gothenburg.

Dilithium (Star Trek) An invented material that serves as a controlling agent in the matter-antimatter reactors.

Ixion Saga DT A Japanese anime television series based on the online game Ixion Saga by Capcom.

Daimler Truck The world's largest commercial vehicle manufacturer, with over 35 main locations worldwide and...

Dalarnas Tidningar A Swedish media company formed in 1987 through the merger of Falu-Kuriren AB and Dalarnes...

Deutsche Telekom A German telecommunications company headquartered in Bonn and is the largest telecommunications...

Dhanmondi Tutorial A private, English-medium school in the Dhanmondi residential area of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dimosia Tileorasi A temporary, state television broadcaster in Greece.

Dynatrace Dynatrace, Inc. is a global technology company that provides a software observability platform...

TAAG Angola Airlines TAAG Angola Airlines E.P. is a state-owned airline and flag carrier of Angola.

Discourse transcription In linguistics.

Daighi tongiong pingim An orthography in the Latin alphabet for Taiwanese Hokkien based upon Tongyong Pinyin.

District A type of administrative division that in some countries is managed by the local government.

Downtown A term primarily used in North America by English speakers to refer to a city's sometimes...

Dakota Territory An organized incorporated territory of the United States that existed from March 2, 1861, until...

DT postcode area A group of eleven postcode districts in South West England, within nine post towns.

Daemon Tools A virtual drive and optical disc authoring program for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.

Digital television The transmission of television signals using digital encoding, in contrast to the earlier analog...

Digital transformation The process of adoption and implementation of digital technology by an organization in order to...

Decision tree A decision support hierarchical model that uses a tree-like model of decisions and their possible...

DT vaccine A toxoid vaccine used to prevent tetanus.

Dark triad A psychological theory of personality, first published by Delroy L. Paulhus and Kevin M. Williams...

Delirium tremens A rapid onset of confusion usually caused by withdrawal from alcohol.

Drug Tariff price The amount pharmacies in the United Kingdom get reimbursed for generic medications.

Digestive tract The tract or passageway of the digestive system that leads from the mouth to the anus.

Douglas DT The Douglas Aircraft Company's first military contract, forging a link between the company and...

Deuterium–tritium fusion A type of nuclear fusion.

Navistar DT engine A line of mid-range inline-6 diesel engines.

ΔT (timekeeping) A measure of the cumulative effect of the departure of the Earth's rotation period from the...

Defensive tackle A position in American football that will typically line up on the line of scrimmage, opposite...

Design and technology A school subject taught in England to pupils in primary and secondary schools.

Deuteronomy The fifth book of the Torah, where it is called Devarim and the fifth book of the Christian Old...

The Dark Tower Various works of fiction.

Delirium Tremens See related meanings for the phrase 'Delirium Tremens'.


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