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Brief facts about support:

Technical support A call centre type customer service provided by companies to advise and assist registered users...

Support (mathematics) The subset of the domain containing the elements which are not mapped to zero.

Close air support In military tactics, close air support is defined as aerial warfare actions-often air-to-ground...

Supporting character A character in a narrative that is not the focus of the primary storyline, but is important to...

Support (art) A solid surface onto which the painting is placed, typically a canvas or a panel.

Support (technical analysis) In stock market technical analysis, support and resistance are certain predetermined levels of...

Child support An ongoing, periodic payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of a child following the...

Customer support A range of services to assist customers in making cost effective and correct use of a product.

Income Support An income-related benefit in the United Kingdom for some people who are on a low income, but have...

Support (structure) A support can refer to a variety of structures in architecture that includes arches, beams...

Structural support A part of a building or structure that provides the necessary stiffness and strength in order to...

Advocacy An activity by an individual or group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic...

Lateral and subjacent support Lateral and subjacent support, in the law of property, describes the right a landowner has to...

Support (mathematics) The subset of the domain containing the elements which are not mapped to zero.

Support (measure theory) A precise notion of where in the space X the measure "lives".

Supporting hyperplane A hyperplane that has both of the following two properties...

Support of a module The set of all prime ideals \mathfrak{p} of A such that M_\mathfrak{p} \ e 0.

Method of support A technique that is used to make inferences from datasets.

Close air support In military tactics, close air support is defined as aerial warfare actions-often air-to-ground...

Combat service support The term combat service support is utilized by numerous military organizations throughout the...

Combat support In the United States Army, the term combat support refers to units that provide fire support and...

Fire support A military term used to describe weapons fire used to support friendly forces by engaging...

Moral support A way of giving support to a person or cause, or to one side in a conflict, without making any...

Peer support Peer support occurs when people provide knowledge, experience, emotional, social or practical...

Social support The perception and actuality that one is cared for, has assistance available from other people...

Support group In a support group, members provide each other with various types of help, usually...

Sympathy The perception of, understanding of, and reaction to the distress or need of another life form.

Catalyst support The material, usually a solid with a high surface area, to which a catalyst is affixed.

Life support Life support comprises the treatments and techniques performed in an emergency in order to...

Technical support A call centre type customer service provided by companies to advise and assist registered users...

Support vessel See related meanings for the phrase 'Support vessel'.


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